26th August 2014 Sr Brigid Rose Tiernan with Mrs Florence Fenn ran the first workshop of this nature we have had. It was well attended and much appre
2018-04-09My first encounter and introduction to priest and artist Wilfried Joye, happened in 2008. Sisters Ann Wigley OP and Brigid Rose Tiernan SND had paid h
2018-04-03We, Sisters for Justice (Johannesburg) organised a walk on the Melville Koppies on Heritage Day. We decided that Heritage Day was an appropriate time
2018-04-03We Were all at the Edge... The Concert... Executive Board Members... Good evening everyone. Firstly, my sincere thanks to your LCCL
2018-04-03The Counter Trafficking in Persons Office (CTIP) of the SACBC & LCCL held its 2nd Conference on Human Trafficking at the Good Shepherd Retreat Cen