Number 11: November 2019

 LCCL Executive Meeting 09-10 October 2019
During the meeting Executive members reported on their engagement with their portfolios. It was decided that it is necessary to clarify the specific role of LCCL as regards the new portfolios: Gender Issues, Youth, Justice and Peace. It is not the role of the LCCL Executive to initiate projects but to assist Congregational Leaders. Ideas would be welcome as these were decided upon at the 2019 AGM.
 2020 LCCL AGM: 09 – 11 March 2020 Emseni, Johannesburg
If you have not yet done so, please diarise 09-11 March 2020 for the LCCL 2020 AGM. Theme: I was a stranger and you welcomed me. First meeting of the Preparatory Committee will be 29 November.
 National Joint Witness: Meeting of all the Bishops with the Congregational Leaders 2021
Planning has begun. Dates: July 2021. A planning Committee is being set up.
 Metropolitan Joint Witness Meetings 2019
Would those who coordinate these meeting please send Minutes/A record of Metropolitan Meetings held in 2019 to LCCL and SACBC.
 International Union of General Superiors (UISG) Meeting: November 2020.
Constellation Six of the UISG (C6) is hosting this meeting, the first of its kind in Africa. We have 16 General Leaders in the SACBC territories – 13 Diocesan and 3 Pontifical Congregations. Congratulations to C6 that this meeting is being held in South Africa! 70 delegates will attend.
 Lists of spiritual directors, facilitators or psychologists etc.
Such lists frequently become outdated. I think it would be more helpful and efficient for the LCCL Office to respond to a specific request from a Congregation for such information.
 Catholic Church Land Audit – South Africa
37 Congregations responded to the SACBC invitation to provide this information. It is important for the SACBC land desk (and for your Congregation!) to have a data base of all properties owned by Church bodies. This will be important if and when it comes to a dialogue or negotiations between the Catholic Church and the Government about land. If your Congregation owns property in South Africa and you have not yet sent in information, a land audit form is attached.
 New Pastoral Plan – 2020
The new Pastoral Plan, Evangelizing Community Serving Humanity and all Creation, will be launched at Regina Mundi Church, Soweto on Sunday 26 January during the January 2020 SACBC Conference.
 2019 and 2020 Workshops for Religious in Temporary Vows
Two well attended and much appreciated workshops were held in Kwa-Zulu Natal and Gauteng in 2019. Congratulations to all those who sent their young members to these workshops! These workshops take place every year and will take place in 2020. A big THANK YOU to the organisers!
 Diocesan Forums for Religious
Any new initiative to set up such a forum in Dioceses without one? Please let the LCCL Office know.
 Thank you to Sr Ann Wigley OP and the King Dominicans.
A great big THANK YOU to Sr Ann Wigley and the King Dominican Generalate Office for looking after the LCCL Office while Sr Maureen was on home-leave.
 Campaign against Pope Francis
Any Pope or leader may be legitimately criticised or questioned. However, sadly, there is a well organised campaign among some Catholic groups to undermine the legitimacy, approaches and actions of Pope Francis. Some even allege that Pope Francis is an anti-Pope or even anti-Christ whose agenda it is to destroy the Church. Please help your members to recognise this for what it; a vicious, totally misleading and very destructive campaign.
Sr Maureen Rooney HC
Leadership Conference of Consecrated Life South Africa: